Reed's party was fantastic. We had a large crowd and lots of fun. Of course, pics will follow in the blog. :) We also finished Reed's christening at church yesterday. Many people were finally able to meet the little miracle that they prayed so diligently for over the past year. How much more real this miracle was when they were actually able to SEE with their eyes the fruit of their labors. It's one thing to HEAR about a miracle, but it's so much more convincing when you SEE the miracle with your own eyes. :)
We will continue Reed's journey through the blog...I just might not get it updated every Sunday like I have been. Now that Reed is mobile, it's a lot harder to get time on the computer. :) Most of my time at home is spent either chasing him or feeding him - since he eats constantly.
I pray that God continues to bless each of you according to His plan for you. Don't forget to find your blessings! They are everywhere around us...too often, we overlook them as we focus too hard on the negatives. The biggest change in me through all of this has definitely been the change in focus. I search for the blessings, the positives, and try not to see the matter how hard it may be.
Reed & Tori Jo (who was in NNICU with him) with Nurse Emily from NNICU
Love to all,