Sunday, December 26, 2010

~Christmas and 41 weeks old~

We've reached 41 weeks, which means we are 11 weeks away from being 1 year old and able to be in public! WOW!! Reed enjoyed his first Christmas, as did his sisters. He has had so much fun playing with all of his new toys. He's tried several new table foods, which were quite different from the tastes and textures he's been used to with baby food. He has cut a second tooth on bottom, too. :)  Unfortunately, with the new tooth come the same symptoms as last time when he had double ear infections. We'll probably be in the doctor's office tomorrow. :( 

Including pics below. We're excited to be able to spend another week at home as a family before going back to school. Wayne is off until Wednesday, so we will all be home together. :)

Love to all,

Monday, December 20, 2010

~It's all in the name~

We named Reed after my grandmother's maiden name. I never gave any thought to what the name Reed meant. However, for some random reason last week, I pondered it. A reed is a stem type plant that is known for its strength. How appropriately did we name our little fighter who showed such strength in his battle for life? Wow! I was speechless when I realized how all of this fit together. No other name would have been appropriate for him with the beginning he had in this world. Strength is definitely one of his finer qualities. I can't wait to see where that same strength takes him in this life of his.

Tonight we tried the BIG TUB. No more baby tub for Reed! He absolutely loved splashing in the big tub with his new toys. He was rather upset when I took him out to get dressed. I think he would live in the water if he could. I can't wait until this summer when we can get him some swimming lessons and play in the pool. Oh, the fun we will have!

The last two weeks have been a huge struggle for me. I have the most challenging group of students this year that I have ever had. So many strong personalities in one room makes for many challenging days. They can be the most loving children, too, though. I have definitely drawn on strength beyond me to make it through the last two weeks. Those of you who know me as a teacher know that I go above and beyond with my students. I want to save everyone of them. Yet, all I get is hurt each time one of them gets in trouble. Many tears were shed Friday with behavior issues, something I've never done before. No doubt the whole struggle with Reed affected me completely. I now take these children in my classroom for 180 days as my very own children, in a way I never have before. Therefore, I have opened myself up to so much more hurt. I find myself praying for the students as much as I pray for myself. I'd like to ask each of you to include my students in your prayers. These kids have so much potential, and just need to get their behaviors in check so that they can make something good of themselves. When I've done all I can do as the teacher in the classroom, I have to turn it all over to God....which is backwards in order, I know. But, being the fixer that I am, I have to give it my best effort to fix things first. :)  Some habits die hard. Teaching is not what it used to be. We, teachers, are required to be so many things other than just the teacher. Students bring so much baggage with them to schools these days, that we can't only focus on educating the child. My plea is that you will not only include my students and me in your prayers, but all teachers and students.....all of whom are enjoying this Christmas break right now. :)

I know that there is a reason I ended up with this group of students in my class this year. I have prayed since August for God to use me to fulfill whatever His plan is with these students....something else I've never done before. 2010 has definitely been a year of firsts for me. What a learning experience it has been!

My uncle is supposed to go home tomorrow if all stays the same. Thanking God for another miracle in 2010! So many things happen around us daily that we don't even acknowledge as being miracles. We are always focusing on the BIG miracle we want to see, which we got to see with Reed. However, there are small miracles happening all around us each day.....if we only take time to notice them.

Love to all,

Sunday, December 19, 2010

~9 months~

Little Reed turned 9 months old this past Tuesday. He had his 9 month check up on Wednesday. He is 25 1/2 inches long. He weighed 14 pounds and 8 ounces. He's lost a little weight from being sick and not eating. Of course, he keeps his legs going 90 miles an hour 24 hours a day, so he burns whatever calories he does take in. :)  His newest favorite toy is his Santa from Polar Express. He absolutely LOVES it! I can't believe that in 3 short months we can finally show him to the world!!! We are planning a huge party on March 19th, and want everyone to be there to meet our baby boy!

On another note, we are praising God for another miracle in our family. My uncle has turned a huge corner since last Monday. We thought we were heading to a sad ending in the hospital, but once they extubated him on Monday, he slowly began coming around. He woke up for good on Tuesday and immediately asked for his chemo meds so he could get back to fighting his cancer. He has continued to improve each day, and will be going home Tuesday if progress continues. He will have around the clock nurse care for a few days to give his wife a much needed rest. God has blessed his family with a little longer to spend with him, which is a wonderful miracle.

As we celebrate Christmas this year, our family has so much to be thankful for. We know the real reason for this season, and God has given us tangible ways to celebrate His existence this year. This will definitely be the merriest Christmas ever for us. Praying for a memorable holiday for all of you.

Much love,

Sunday, December 12, 2010

~39 Weeks~

So, we've been trucking along in the fast lane with no speed bumps of sickness....... until Friday that is. We hit our first speed bump with severe double ear infections. :(  Poor little man has been miserable! He also cut his first tooth on Thursday...better describe as an invisible razor blade. You can't see the tooth, but, by golly, you surely can feel it! Each day this weekend has brought great improvements with fewer outbursts of screaming pain. Reed officially weighed 15 pounds 7 ounces Friday at the doctor. He will be 9 months old on Tuesday, with his check up on Wednesday. We'll have more official growth information then. Just a few pics we frantically prepare for the last 5 days of school before Christmas break!!! WOOHOO!!!

 He likes Cheetos.....
 ....and any other food he can get!
 Amazing that he can be this happy with double ear infections. :)

I covet your prayers for my uncle, who is still in the hospital. He has had small improvements each day this weekend, but still needs many prayers and a miraculous healing of his brain cancer.

Love to all,

Sunday, December 5, 2010

~~All Good Things Must Come To An End....~~

And so it's back to work for me tomorrow. :( I have missed my class, though. Ten school days and then Christmas vacation!!! Not a lot to report this week. Still recovering from surgery....and overdoing it. :) Reed has been a bundle of fun while I've been out. He's gotten very attached to me being the point of crying when I'd walk through the room and get out of his sight. The girls had their church Christmas program tonight. Both did great with their parts. Including a few pics below. Hope all of you have a wonderful week filled with the joys of the Christmas season.

 I'm pretty sure he's screaming, "SAVE ME!!!!"

Probably thinking, "That's enough, lady!"

Love to all,

Sunday, November 28, 2010

So much to be thankful for.....

It's hard to believe that our roller coaster ride started 37 weeks ago today. WOW!!! We truly had so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving season. We enjoyed an awesome day with family and food. :) I prepared the food ahead of time since surgery was scheduled for Monday. This made Thanksgiving day so calm...all that needed to be done was put it all in the oven. Definitely the way to go! No stress!

We had church directory pictures made the day before Halloween, and they showed up Wednesday. How exciting! Perfect timing to use one of them as our Christmas card pic!!! Which, by the way, are in the mail! Go me!!!

Surgery was....well, surgery. It has definitely put me down this week....a lot more than I thought from four small cuts in my stomach. I did pretty good Tuesday and Wednesday, but really overdid it Thursday. Therefore, was in bed all day Friday. Up all day Saturday led to being in bed all day today. Definitely not ready to go back to work yet....hopefully ready by next Monday. Wayne, as always, has been a wonderful nurse, husband, father, etc. He takes such good care of me. :) Dr. Asbury was wonderful in the OR, as usual. Hoping for a good one-week checkup tomorrow when I see her.

As we have made it so quickly to 37 weeks, I have begun thinking about Reed's ONE-YEAR BIRTHDAY PARTY!!! It will be here before we know it. I can't wait!!! This will be his first experience with THE WORLD! Definitely going to plan a big bash for this boy!

I'm including our church pics as well as pics from Reed's 37-week birthday today. I look back over pics from the very beginning, and cannot get over what a miracle our baby is. As we enter the Christmas season, we have had the honor of witnessing a modern day miracle. How awesome!!! Christmas will take on a whole different meaning this year in our house...and many others around the world who have been involved in our journey.

Love to all,