Sunday, June 12, 2011

Another week filled with doctors' visits.....

As we roll into another week of summer, we also roll into more doctors' visits. Tomorrow we start the week with an upper GI for me bright and early in the morning, in hopes of getting some answers..... Wednesday Reed will see an ENT to determine if he needs tubes to remedy all of his ear infections and to see about possible tonsillectomy & removing adenoids. This baby SNORES worse than any grown man I've ever known! He snores so loudly that he wakes himself up throughout the night.

We are still waiting, ever so patiently, for the call about a donor femur.... I continue to do rehab 2 days each week until a donor is found and the surgery can be done. I finally began enjoying my summer this past Thursday, when I was able to get into the pool for the first time. We are going to take a short trip to the beach this weekend to be sure we get a trip in before the surgery. Other than that, I'm pretty much ready to get the surgery done so that I can begin the healing process and be ready to run once the school year starts.... Run as in be in high gear for school. Not run as in running physically, because that is out of the question from now on. The only way I can run is in the deep end of the pool....which is okay. I can deal with that. At least we have a pool at home! :) I have invested in some equipment for running and working out in the pool, so I'm ready to get busy! Reed LOVES the pool, so we can spend LOTS of time playing in the pool!

Reed chillaxin' in the pool :)

I hope the summer finds each of you resting and relaxing with those who are the most important to you. Take time today to the do the things that make you happy. None of us is guaranteed tomorrow, so don't leave anything to be regretted.

Love to all,

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