Reed is 43 weeks old!!!
Okay, so I'm a slacker... I never got around to updating the blog last weekend. I truly cherished every minute, to my very last one, that I had on Christmas vacation. :) For the first time ever, I did NOTHING for school my entire break. I devoted all my time to my babies. :) It was very hard getting back into the work thing this week. Now, we are blessed with a snow day tomorrow!!! YAY!! More time with my babies!
Reed went back to the doctor this week with what we feared was another round of ear infections. He did not actually have infections. However, he was congested from allergies, so we are continuing with the Claritin. He has two really big teeth on bottom, and acts like he's working on some on top. He weighed, unofficially since it wasn't on his official weight check scale, 16 pounds and 3 ounces. He's a big boy!
We are staying busy as he becomes mobile - not walking yet and not really crawling - but scooting all over. He busies himself daily playing with all of his new prizes he got for Christmas. He has developed a strong need to be entertained since the girls and I were home for 2 weeks with him. He no longer likes to entertain himself, but that's okay, too. :)
I am busy planning his first birthday party. We are going to combine it - a first birthday party but also a "Meet the World" party. There are so many people who have prayed without ceasing for this little man, and have been dying to meet him. We have followed doctors' orders and limited Reed's contact with the public. This one-year "sentence" ends when he turns a year old, although we will continue to keep him away from places like Wal Mart. :) We want all of you who have been such a vital part of his life - even though you haven't met him - by praying for him, or preparing meals for us, or so many other ways - to finally be able to meet Reed. This party will be a time for all to come and meet him. There's no better way than to combine the two events into one big PARTY!!! Save the date - Saturday, March 19th. We are so excited to finally be able to show him to the world!!!!
We had a private Christening for Reed in July. However, the church body was not able to take their part in the vows. The preacher wants to finish the Christening in the church, and we are wanting to do that on March 20th, if the church calendar allows. Oh, how wonderful it will be to finally be able to participate in so many things that we had to put on hold during our year being home bound!!!
Posting many pics from last two weeks. I want to ask for your prayers for a dear friend of mine. She desperately wants another baby, but has miscarried twice. Please lift her up in your prayers...for healing, understanding, and the baby she so desires.
Reed & Memmy
Reed & Nurse Emily from Macon NNICU
Reed on his roller coaster
Reed in his favorite place - the TUB
Reed & Mommy :)
Much love to all!