Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Lord, please, help!!!!

Lord, please, help!!!! Just when I think there can't possibly be anything else that could go wrong..... I'm wrong. My incision is infected.....yes, after 3 weeks it has gotten infected. I've been on antibiotics for a little over 24 hours now, and haven't seen any improvement. I will get it checked in the morning when I see Andy for rehab. He saw it Monday, and will hopefully be able to make a better judgment call. If it's not better tomorrow....Hi-ho, Hi-ho, it's off to Columbus we go....AGAIN!!!! Please pray that the pain and infection get better quickly. My leg has not hurt at all until the past week. To everyone's surprise, I've actually followed ALL doctor's orders.....except for starting back to work 2 days after surgery. :)

Funny thing..... I've had 2 people within 24 hours tell me that God must have something big going on for me because of the unrelenting attacks that keep trying to knock me down. I KNOW with NO doubt that He still performs miracles and IS still in charge of our world and our lives. I think He's giving me way too much credit in thinking I can handle all of this. I do believe if He brings me TO it, He WILL bring me THROUGH it..... I just have a hard time waiting on HIS timing.

Please pray for this infection to clear quickly. Pray also that my spirits improve. I'm getting into a down & out rut with everything seeming to fall apart. I have been so blessed with a WONDERFUL husband who has picked up and carried on with our family life despite my inability to help out and do all the things I usually do. I feel as though my mother in law is taking as much care of me as she does for Reed. I am truly blessed, and will continue thanking Him for the blessings He bestows upon me and my family every day.

Much love to all,

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