Saturday, May 22, 2010

And Back to the Doctor We Go.....

We went to the doctor on Friday for our weekly checkup. Reed gained 1/2 lb. to put him at 5 pounds 7 ounces. He was 1 ounce shy of doubling his birth weight!!!  Reed is doing so well that we get to skip a week and go back for a weight check in 2 weeks. YAY!!! He started on some Zantac to see if it helps with some of the stomach troubles.....may be heart burn due to reflux. It's so hard to believe that he will be 10 weeks old tomorrow, but still isn't due until next Saturday. Oh, the journey he has had already in his short life.

God has blessed us with such great friends to carry us through this trial with their continued prayers and gifts that have taken such good care of us. You will never know how much you have meant to us as we have journeyed through this.

Today I am thankful for 8 ounces of weight means Reed is growing. I'm thankful for the nights filled with crying and lacking in sleep because it means we have a newborn in the that's full of life. What has God blessed you with today? Hug your children every chance you get, because we don't know what tomorrow holds.

Love to all,

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