Okay, so most people wouldn't be super excited to be home in the bed for the 3 weeks before Christmas..... But, considering how depleted I have been for the past 2 years pretty much, I have truly rested like I've never rested before. I've spent many days sleeping day and night with very few awake periods throughout a 24-hour period. INSANE!!!
This surgery was a lot less painful, but a much more burdensome recovery because I can't put ANY weight on my right leg AT ALL! Of course, only using my left leg to hop on crutches, has really messed up my left knee. I'm hoping to be able to go to see my original surgeon in Albany Tuesday to see how bad it's messed up. I see my other surgeon on Thursday in Columbus to have my post-op check. I would greatly appreciate your prayers that everything is healing appropriately.
So, I actually followed doctor's orders - for the most part - for the first 2 weeks. I broke the rule Friday and actually drove for the first time. :)
We have enjoyed time with friends this week. One of Reed's NNICU nurses came to visit on Thursday and took the following pic and a video of Reed. Of course, Reed was his normal "shy" self... HAHAHA!!!
Absolutely LOVE this profile pic she got.
Video of the HAM :)
Of course, it wouldn't be Christmas without Reed wearing his Santa hat. This pic had to happen quickly because he doesn't like ANYTHING on his head. I guess he's proud of the little bit of hair he's finally sprouted and wants to be sure everyone sees it. :)
Before my last surgery, I went to Target (of course) and found a new daily devotional book. This one is by Joyce Meyer. I've never read any of her books, but am really enjoying this devotional The Confident Woman. One of the very first devotionals in this book talks about Wynona Judd and her fall from the spotlight. It says Wynona felt like she had to take care of everyone, and forgot to take care of herself. Sitting in the pre-op room, I handed the book to Wayne as soon as I finished reading and asked him to read it and tell me who it sounded like. He very boldly stated, "Should I hand you a mirror???" Wynona's life fell apart because she ALWAYS put everyone else ahead of herself. She was more concerned with everyone else's well-being and totally neglected her own well-being. Okay, God, I got it loud and clear! :)
Another devotional was about dealing with relationships. Joyce says that sometimes we try to have relationships with people that God doesn't want us to have a relationship with, and that's why these relationships fail. God will give us favor with the people who he wants us to be in relationship with. Okay, God, I hear you.... Relationships should NOT be a difficult task with more negatives than positives.
I could go on and on with all the wonderful tidbits I've come across in this book. If you get the chance, buy it! I have emptied an entire highlighter marking these hot spots as I come across them. Good, good book. :)
Reed had his 6-month check up with the ENT who put his tubes in. All is perfectly well. Tubes are still in place and looking good. The girls are doing great, as well. They have 4 1/2 days of school this week, and then they can begin their holiday vacation! They are so excited!!!
In this season of giving, I pray that each one of us remembers the real reason why we have this season to celebrate. As a mother, I can't fathom the pain that God must've suffered as He watched His Son crucified for our sins so that we - unworthy humans - have the opportunity to spend eternity in Heaven with Him. I pray that each of you has a blessed season, spending time with friends and family, and spending time with Him. These days are passing by so quickly, and I hope that we all take advantage of every second we have with our children. We don't know what tomorrow may bring to any one of us, and we don't want to live with any regrets.
Much love to all,
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