Sunday, September 12, 2010

~~6 Months~~

It's hard to believe that Reed will be 6 months old on Tuesday!!! Wow! We are halfway through our house-bound stage. In a way, it seems like we've had Reed in our lives forever. Yet, in another way, it seems like only yesterday his roller coaster ride began. He has come so far in his short little life....and has taught so many grownups such powerful lessons.

Smiling for Mommy.... I love my mommy!

Bundled up after a warm bath

I LOVE to EAT!!! Tonight I'm enjoying bananas....there's nothing that I don't like!!! YUM!

Moo and the little man

Got my toes in the water; toes in my hand; not a care in the world; I got my toes in my hand. Life is good today; I'll be 6 months old Tuesday!

Just hangin' round...

No update on weight or height. Reed will go to the doctor for his six-month check up on September 24th.

We saw Dr. Asbury this week, which is always fun. :)  If I ever begin to forget what a miracle my little boy is, she will always be there to remind me of the reality of Reed's beginning. She asked me how I even began to process all that we had gone through with Reed's birth. And, I was actually honest with her, when I replied that I don't think I have processed all that happened. I believe that I keep pushing it down deeper every time the reality starts to hit me. I'm not sure if this is good or not, but this is how I am dealing with it. I'm afraid if I were to actually let it hit me, it will consume me and I won't know how to get through it.

There is so much going on with the people around us, so many people are in need of prayers as they face unknowns of their own. Life is so full of twists and turns by itself, and doesn't need any added drama. This mama can't handle the drama. My prayer tonight is that people can focus on the crisis rather than the drama created to go along with it. The absolute best thing that could have happened to us was for us to be in Macon during our crisis, away from any drama. We were able to focus solely on our precious baby and helping him in every way we could. Friends facing surgery, fighting cancer, facing a spouse being deployed, etc. all need to be able to focus on their crises with their entire beings, and need prayers to sustain them through these crises.

Lord, Please focus the minds and hearts of our friends on the crises that they are facing. No strength or energy needs to be wasted on drama created by others. Help them focus all of their being on you and fighting the battles that are before them. Our prayers are for strength to fight the battle for the life that You alone have blessed each of them with. Lord, my prayer is that they feel Your loving arms around them as they face their battles; that they feel the prayers that we are all praying for them; that they feel healing coming from You in the way that only You can do. All of this is prayed in Your Son's precious names, Amen

Every day, I rush home from work to snuggle and love on my precious little man. I pray that each of you treasures every hug, smile, laugh, cry, tear, etc. from your angels. They are truly a gift from God!

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