Sunday, October 31, 2010

First Halloween ~ 33 weeks old

Happy Halloween!!! Reed enjoyed his first Halloween, even though it meant a late night for him. :)  The girls went on a hayride. Reed and I rode in the front of the truck so that he wasn't exposed to the night air and germs. :) We took all precautions to keep him from getting sick.

We started the morning off bright and early with church directory pictures at 9:30. Reed was FABULOUS!!! He smiled and had fun...never once crying! It was wonderful! We got some great pics, and I can't wait to share them with you on the blog. We purchased the CD of pics so we could print what we want and share.

Not wanting to push it, we cancelled Reed's six month picture session. We'll do it later. Didn't want to press our luck and have an unhappy baby on our hands after he'd done so well during the morning pics.

Lots of naps during the day got us ready for a night of fun. The girls had a great time and were super cute as a cowgirl and indian. We have all rested well today in an attempt to catch up on a busy day yesterday. Wayne took the girls to the Fall Festival at church while Reed and I stayed home. He slept and I got a few things done for school that I have procratinated on this weekend. :)

Life is good at the Putnal house. All are well. My tentative surgery date for my hysterectomy is November 22. I'm hoping for a cancellation so that we can do it the week before. :)

We have so much to be thankful for during this Thanksgiving season. Our precious son who was given a death sentence at birth, but is perfectly healthy and almost 8 months old. My new school, which has been an awesome blessing! I love the people I work with and for, and that makes the biggest difference! We have 3 healthy children to be thankful for, too. We have everything we need, and want for nothing essential in this time of economic bleakness. Thank you, God, for all you have blessed us with!

Much love to all,

Sunday, October 24, 2010

~32 Weeks~

Not a lot to blog about this week. It's been a busy and tiring week full of school, work, and after school activities. This weekend has been wonderful. The girls spent the weekend with my sister. I slept most of the weekend!!! Woohoo! Much needed sleep, and ready for more tonight! :)

Reed has had a wonderful week. I started him back on baby food 3 to 4 times a day, and he's super happy! He's sleeping better, too. Posting several pics from tonight since there's no big news to share.

All tuckered out.......  ZZZZZZ.....

Seriously? More pictures?

Check out the juicy chins!

Enough with that flash already, Mommy!!!!

Every friend in your life has a purpose. Some are friends that are ours forever, and others are friends for a seaon. It has become reality for me that God puts certain people in your life for a certain reason at a certain time, and then they often leave your life, for whatever reason. I'm thanking God for the true friends He has blessed me with, that haven't gone away for whatever reason. God knows exactly what we need to face what life has in store for us, and puts the right people there at the right times. We may never understand why some friends move on and why others stay, but that is a gift God gives us. Take time this week to thank God for the friends He has placed in your life at this time. Have a great week everyone!

Love to all,

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Oh, what fun to see my nurses!!!

Oh, the Preemie Party was WONDERFUL! It was so good to get to see many of our nurses! I think Reed shocked them all by how well he is doing and how big he is.

Nurse Jan and me

Nurse Jessica, me, and Nurse Jan

Mommy & me

Mommy & me.......mmmmmm, good lovin'......

Reed took a shower with Mommy this morning! He loved it! He is a water baby! I can't wait to see how he is next summer in the pool! Water makes him WILD!!!

Not a lot to report on since the post on Thursday for his seven month birthday. We have had a wonderful weekend, and tomorrow is a holiday. We are looking forward to a day at home! We made the quick trip to Macon yesterday to go to the Preemie Party, and are so glad we did!!! It was great to reconnect with several of the families who were in NNICU while we were.....and to see their babies all doing well.

As we enter into the season of Thanksgiving, we are so thankful for the many blessings we have been given this year.....the biggest one being a healthy baby boy! We are truly thankful for all of you who endured this journey with us. So many of us are overly blessed, and we are definitely in that category. Take time each day to thank God for all He has blessed you with.

Love to all,

Thursday, October 14, 2010

~~ 7 Marvelous Months ~~

Hip Hip Hooray, I'm 7 months old today!!!

Seven marvelous months have flown by since I delivered our precious son under dire circumstances. I cannot say enough thanks for all the prayers that went up and continue to go up for our miracle baby. He truly is a modern day miracle, witnessed by hundreds of people. God showed up and showed out in Reed's situation, and we are eternally grateful that He did.

I love my newest toy!!! I'm a bucking bronco bouncing away in it.

Seriously, Mommy? Another picture???

Trying out my roller coaster....not quite ready to enjoy it yet.

Hey, Mommy, it's time to chillax......

My dear friend is having surgery tomorrow to remove breast cancer, and I covet your prayers for her and her family as she endures this 4-6 hour surgery tomorrow morning. There will be, of course, a long recovery to follow. Please join me in lifting this family up as they begin this journey tomorrow morning.

School has gotten much better for me, after being the biggest challenge I've ever had in school. :)  I'm finally back into running (I've managed to run 2 miles a day for 3 days this week!!). Everyone seems to be settling into our new normal life. We stay constantly busy with all the afternoon activities. Our weekends are mostly spent relaxing trying to recuperate from the previous week.

I thank God daily for each of you that diligently lifted us up from the moment we knew Reed was going to make an early appearance, and even continue lifting us up today. I thank God for performing a modern day miracle for us to witness and be a part of. I thank God for each and every day I have to spend with my three precious children and my husband. I thank Him for surrounding us with awesome friends and family to carry us through such a hard, dark time. How can anyone say there is not a GOD????

Enjoy your weekend with your family and friends. Thank God for the little things. Take notice of the treasures you have been blessed with.

Love to all,

Sunday, October 10, 2010

~~30 Weeks of Joy and Blessings~~

God has abundantly blessed us in the last 30 weeks.....not that He didn't bless us before. He made us stop and take notice of His blessings 30 weeks ago, and every day since. Everything that appeared to be a terrible situation has become such a wonderful blessing. First and foremost, our precious son is perfectly healthy and growing! There could be no better outcome from his traumatic premature birth. God really showed up and showed out with Reed's birth. :) Thank you, Lord!

While in Macon with Reed, I found out that I was being transferred to another school. Having spent six years at my current school at that time, I was devastated. This on top of being in Macon fighting for Reed's life???? How much more, God? Deep down, as with the night of Reed's birth, a small voice assured me that all would be fine. Well, as in both situations, all is more than fine!! I absolutely love my new school and co-workers. My administration is so supportive and uplifting. I have never worked for such wonderful administrators. Thank you, God, for taking me out of my comfort zone and forcing me to move to a new school. As always, Lord, You knew exactly what I needed, and placed me in the right place to receive what I need.

It's hard to believe that Reed will be 7 months old on Thursday!!! He's growing so fast! He is SO EXTREMELY ACTIVE! If this is any indication of how he will be as a teenager, we are in TROUBLE!!! WOW!!!

We are supposed to go to Macon Saturday for the annual Preemie Party. I'm a little apprehensive now that the Synergist shots aren't starting until November 1st. Due to Georgia's RSV percentage only being 8% at the present time, insurance will not cover these shots until November. I'm a little worried about taking him without having this added protection.....

 Not too many shots I can share today. Daddy didn't use discretion when snapping pics during bath time. :)
Reed now LOVES bath time because he likes to SPLISH SPLASH and see what (and who) he can wet!!

Flu season has hit, as of October 1st. Anyone having contact with Reed during the next 6 months MUST have a flu shot. We are not wanting to offend anyone, and completely understand those who do not believe in getting flu shots. We must keeps Reed's health as our main focus, so we cannot let anyone in who has not had the flu shot. We still love you all, and will be super excited to visit with you after flu season ends. Only those who know what a rule breaker I am can truly understand how hard it has been for me to follow all of these strict rules of having a preemie  baby. :)  My other two babies were out at WalMart in less than a week after birth. :)  I can't wait for a time when I can take Reed everywhere and show him off to everyone!!! Patience......

My very dear friend will undergo a double mastectomy and reconstruction on Friday, and I covet your prayers for her as she endures not only the surgery, but also the physical and emotion healing that will follow. God has abundantly blessed us in the past 7 months, as I know he has all of you as well. Have you taken a moment to give thanks for all that He has blessed you with? As we enter this Thanksgiving season so quickly, I pray that each of you will take time to notice all of the little things God has blessed you with and thank Him for His graciousness. Much love to all,

Sunday, October 3, 2010

~29 Weeks~

29 weeks old.... This week the nurse will begin coming to our house to give Reed his monthly RSV shot that preemies are required to have 9 months out of the year for the first two years. This will be very nice....not to have to go to the doctor's office and be exposed to other germs.

Reed has really come alive in the past couple of weeks. He rolls from back to belly and belly to back; does complete circles on the bed or floor; and wiggles NONSTOP 24 hours a day! He is amazing! He is trying so hard to get some teeth to come through.....constantly slobbering gallons and gnawing on everything.

We are super excited about the upcoming preemie party in Macon put on the by the hospital! We can't wait to see everyone again! They will be so surprised at how big Reed is!

I thank God daily for all of you who prayed us through our trial with Reed's delivery. I praise him daily for Reed's life and health. He truly performed a modern day miracle for us. To God be the glory......

Love to all,