Sunday, October 24, 2010

~32 Weeks~

Not a lot to blog about this week. It's been a busy and tiring week full of school, work, and after school activities. This weekend has been wonderful. The girls spent the weekend with my sister. I slept most of the weekend!!! Woohoo! Much needed sleep, and ready for more tonight! :)

Reed has had a wonderful week. I started him back on baby food 3 to 4 times a day, and he's super happy! He's sleeping better, too. Posting several pics from tonight since there's no big news to share.

All tuckered out.......  ZZZZZZ.....

Seriously? More pictures?

Check out the juicy chins!

Enough with that flash already, Mommy!!!!

Every friend in your life has a purpose. Some are friends that are ours forever, and others are friends for a seaon. It has become reality for me that God puts certain people in your life for a certain reason at a certain time, and then they often leave your life, for whatever reason. I'm thanking God for the true friends He has blessed me with, that haven't gone away for whatever reason. God knows exactly what we need to face what life has in store for us, and puts the right people there at the right times. We may never understand why some friends move on and why others stay, but that is a gift God gives us. Take time this week to thank God for the friends He has placed in your life at this time. Have a great week everyone!

Love to all,

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