Wednesday, June 2, 2010

~~And the doctor said....~~

So we went back to the doctor this morning...... My little man weighed 6 pounds!!! WOOHOO!!! He was 19 1/2 inches long, and his head was 31.6 cm. He is truly growing like a weed. He is doing so well that we don't have to go back for a weight check for a month!!!!! God has truly blessed us with a healthy baby spite of all that he has been through in his short little life!!! We have to schedule a repeat ultrasound of Reed's brain just to check the status of the original bleed, which was said to have resolved itself before we left Macon. I will post more when I have it scheduled.

We had to take paper work to Dr. Asbury's office, so she was finally able to put her hands on our miracle baby! Oh, you should have seen her face....she was truly glowing.

God truly blessed us with wonderful people to help carry out His plan for our little Reed, and one of those was Dr. Asbury. :)

Today, I am thankful for weight gained and inches grown that makes my little boy now the size of an actual newborn baby, even though he is 11 1/2 weeks old. I am thankful for sleepless nights which come from having a healthy baby at home. I am thankful for friends and family who step in to help whenever and wherever needed. On this beautiful, sunny day, have you taken time to find a blessing in your life? Have you stopped long enough to thank God for the wonderful, bountiful blessings in your life? Kiss your babies and make sure they know how much you love them while you have the chance.
Much love,

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